Villagers in Flockton urged to back petition for new bypass

Barnsley Road Accident - are stepping up a bid to get a bypass for Flockton.

They say enough is enough after a spate of near misses, HGVs flouting the rules by using the main road through Flockton as a short cut, plus an increase in housing will lead to more vehicles on the road.

Residents are now collecting signatures and hope to top 3,500 to force a debate at Kirklees Council. (Read More)

Views: 148

Petitions Really Can Help

Read an article posted in the Huddersfield Examiner:

Vital link roads in Colne Valley set to be resurfaced.

A couple of the paragraphs from the article:

"In 2016 a petition set up by residents attracted more than 1,200 signatures calling for Kirklees Council to resurface Linfit Lane…

"A cross-party group was set up to tackle the issue following meetings between residents and local councillors…"

And also, the support available from local Counsillors:

"Welcoming the announcement that work was set to start, Clr Turner said: “I’ve been contacted by a number of residents about the state of the roads and the need for urgent action. The issue has been ongoing for a long time so I’m delighted that the works have been confirmed and will go ahead soon."

Views: 119

Proposals for the creation of a Major Road Network – Paula Sherriff

From Paula Sherriff’s page, her notice of concern to the Department of Transport. (See the letter)

Today, I wrote to the Roads Minister Jesse Norman to ask him to meet with me to discuss serious concerns about the A637 which runs through Flockton.

I met with residents last week and they told me of the problems on the road through the village, including HGVs and dangerous driving.

Residents have long asked for a by-pass, but the government now has the opportunity to fix the problems with the road through Flockton with their planned Major Road Network (MRN) scheme. The scheme is currently out to public consultation and ‘A’ Roads may be able to take advantage of up to £100 million of funding.

I strongly believe that the A637 which runs through Flockton could benefit from such investment. This would improve life in the village, cut congestion and greatly improve infrastructure in one of the rural areas of the constituency.

I will feed into the Department for Transport's online consultation and I strongly recommend that residents do the same.

Views: 158


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