The community is asked to report any near miss accidents to the Police via the online reporting. it creates hot spot maps of issues with the Police allocating resources to problem areas.
The community is asked to report any near miss accidents to the Police via the online reporting. it creates hot spot maps of issues with the Police allocating resources to problem areas:
Since the introduction of banning residents from parking on pavements, there have been a number of vehicles damaged by other vehicles passing through the village and not paying due care or attention. The count over the past couple of months, up to 3 February 2019, is so far reported as 4 mirrors and 1 bumper, with a 'hit & run' attitude towards residents, costing them a lot of money for repairs.
Vehicles parked on the main road, diagonally across from the village club. (Photos, Becky G)
19 March 2019
Another report of a car hit on Barnsley Road – front wing damage.
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