Banners, Car Stickers, and Leaflets

Please continue to support our Flockton Bypass campaign by giving out leaflets or buying banners and car stickers.

Bypass Leaflets - can download a leaflet here, or also get leaflets from the Flockton Club*, that are being distributed to local businesses, explaining the bypass campaign. Also displayed, is the agenda for the meeting the steering group had (on Monday 26 February 2018) so people can see what we are discussing at the meetings.

Orders for car stickers, at £2 each, can be placed at the bar. Please show your support by buying one (or two!). Your £2 includes a 25p donation to charities supported by the Yorkshire Beardsmen.

 Car Window Sticker - Car Window Sticker -

Flockton Club -

*[Old] Post Office in Flockton, Working Mens Club, 157 Barnsley Road, Flockton, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 4AA
Location map

Views: 103

3,500 Signatures – Thank You!

As of 25 February 2018, we have collected 3,500 signatures*, ready to present to Kirklees Council, next month, to force a debate on the Flockton bypass, in the Council Chamber.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us reach this goal. (Any additional signatures will be added to our list).

Keep checking this website for other things we are doing in support of the Flockton Bypass campaign, and if you feel able to support us through buying and displaying a car sticker or banner, this will keep public awareness active throughout the campaign.


*We wanted to receive a few extra, in case of duplications between online and paper signatures.

Views: 63

Almost There!


As of Friday 23 February 2018, our Petition has 3,320 signatures. We now only need 180 to make sure we cover any duplications.

"Well done to everyone who has been involved and those who have signed. Couldn't have got this far without you all. Thank you so much." – Kathryn Middleton

Views: 52

Banner Posting Going Well

Flockton villagers are in full swing with their campaign to petition Kirklees Council for a bypass.

Banner -
Graham and Carolyne

Banner -

(Our banners have been produced with the support of CES Sign Studio, Wakefield)

We will continue to produce posters & leaflets and position wherever possible in the village, in legal locations and with the permission of residents.

Views: 119

Walk Through Village with Kirklees Chief Executive and Families

A walk through Flockton village has been organised, with Chief Executive of Kirklees Council, Jacqui Gedman and local families, for Thursday 1 March 2018.

Due to the possibility of further severe weather this week, the planned morning visit by Jacqui Gedman has had to be postponed.

Jacqui was going to walk to school with parents and children to get a view of the road safety concerns held by many in the village.

We are hoping to rearrange this visit for later in the month and will keep you informed.

Jacqui GedmanMr Cappleman (Head at Flockton C of E (C) First School) will meet Jacqui Gedman at the school from 8:30 am with Cllr John Taylor. They will then walk up into the village to meet families coming down the other way. It is hoped too, that on return to the safety of the school, some parents and children will have the opportunity to speak to Jacqui, about the problems they face with traffic.

Views: 247

A Lot of Mud!

In addition to the usual traffic issues, the village of Flockton is getting very muddy from access and egress of the building site in the centre of the village – and these photographs were taken on a dry day!

Mud by David R -

A Bit Muddy -

And it's also affecting the residents of Emley…

Gemma L W - Mud in Emley 5 Feb 2018 -

The knock-on effect of this, in addition to making the road more hazardous, is that children are also slipping on the pavements (sometimes falling) and generally, getting muddy on their way to and from school.

Views: 167

Positive meeting with Secretary of State for Transport

On Friday 2 February 2018, a few of the Flockton Bypass Steering Group met with Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport.

Flockton Bypass with Chris Grayling
Left to right: Back: Councillors: Bill Armer, Richard Smith, John Taylor
Front: Elena Delaney, Kath Middleton, Chris Grayling, Jimmy Paxton

"A really positive meeting, thank you to the three councillors who put our case forward in such an eloquent and informed manner. I know everything takes time but I felt like Chris Grayling really listened to our plight." – Elena Delaney (Flockton Resident)

Kirkburton Conservative Clr Richard Smith said:

It wasn't a meeting where he could promise us anything, but it was an opportunity to discuss what’s important to the residents in Flockton.

We showed him maps and talked about the need and he emphasised how much Kirklees and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (which runs a £1bn-plus transport programme) can do.

For us this isn’t a political issue, it’s a safety issue for our residents and it’s an issue Kirklees should deal with.

We want a debate in Kirklees and then we want to get the Combined Authority to consider it.

You can read more about this in the The Huddersfield Daily Examiner here

The visit also sparked a bit of controversy in the House of Commons

Views: 160

1970s Commons Transcripts Debate Flockton Bypass

As many villages in Flockton know, requests for a bypass have been made previously. David Rawling has rediscovered these links to Commons Transcripts, from two of those occasions.

HC Deb 17 February 1970 vol 796 cc370-8

HC Deb 25 April 1972 vol 835 cc1505-12

"My file on the Flockton bypass is larger than any other file I have accumulated in the 27 years or so that I have been a Member." – Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu (Huddersfield, East)

The A637 is on the Indicative Major Road Network as part of the Major Road Network. Consultation, including which schemes will be eligible for funding, ENDS IN 47 DAYS at 11:45 am on 19 March 2018. Not long then if this is the route being taken (for funding that is).

To confirm David's research, check out Major Road Network proposals and consultations on Both under News Story and Dpt for Transport. Published 23rd December 2017, from the Dpt for Transport and the Rt. Hon. Chris Grayling MP.

Views: 156


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