Wakefield Council Snub Support For Flockton In Favour Of More Expensive Schemes

Wakefield Express, Wednesday 27 November 2019

Under the banner heading of "Plan to build £100m link road round Featherstone to be discussed" it seems that "Senior Wakefield councillors are set to sign off extra funding for a new link road around the south of Featherstone."

Featherstone link road - flocktonbypass.co.uk

Flockton Bypass campaigner, David Rawling commented on social media:

"Yet Wakefield Council don’t think a bypass for Flockton is a good idea, at almost a tenth of the cost, benefitting Netherton and neighbouring areas. Would cost them nothing either!!"

When Martyn Bolt (Town Mayor, Mirfield Town Council) asked about a recent meeting with Wakefield's Cllr. Morley* and Flockton's Cllr. Kathryn Middleton, she said:

"He was concerned about the impact on Bretton. Bretton considered in isolation!! 460 residents put before the 14,000 in Sitlington, Flockton, Horbury Bridge and Emley."

Martyn Bolt posted some related news links on social media:

Glasshoughton Southern Link Road plans to go on display

Wakefield Eastern Relief Road

Glasshoughton £6m link road: 'Simple solution to ease congestion – stop building everything at Junction 32'

Castleford Growth Corridor Scheme

Transformational Project South Featherstone

West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund

*Cllr. Matthew Morley – Wakefield Council's Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways.

Views: 230

Councils at odds over calls for Bypass

Sitlington Parish Councillors unanimously backed the call for a bypass due to the problems encountered in Netherton and adjoining communities. Cllr. Morley doesn’t it appears, despite an initial meeting seemingly indicating otherwise. It is anticipated that this will soon be questioned by the Parish Council.

Dewsbury and Mirfield Reporter (31 October 2019)

Dewsbury and Mirfield Reporter


Views: 107


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