3 Near Misses on Flockton Rat-Run

Tony Earnshaw – Local Democracy Reporter – YorkshireLive, writes…

"Three near misses in Huddersfield village plagued by rat-run motorists

"Campaigners wanting a bypass for Flockton say it is like living next to a motorway.

Flockton Traffic - flocktonbypass.co.uk

"People living in Flockton say they are continuing to be plagued by dangerous and fast-moving traffic in their village.

"One woman complained of three near misses in recent days, while another said she was actually hit by a car too close to the kerb as she walked with crutches." Read full article here.

"In July Dewsbury MP Mark Eastwood raised the notion of a Flockton Bypass in the House of Commons.

"He described it as "an urgent priority" and offered his full support to campaigners."


Views: 105


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