Second Accident on School Crossing Within a Couple of Weeks

16 August 2021

Our local resident who posted on our facebook group previously, discovered another incident on CCTV today:

Bypass campaigner, David Rawling, asks locals to, "Please send your concerns to Kirklees Council’s Chief Executive, Jacqui Gedman and cc Mr. P. McBride."

Some of the growing list of comments include:

This is getting worrying…

The way it’s going there will be traffic light crossings soon.

… we need average speed cameras.

If they were going 20 mph shouldn’t be a problem to stop!!!

We stopped at the crossing a few days ago to let a young boy cross with his bike and 5 cars came through the other way before the sixth one stopped and they were going faster than 20.

Be safer to take your chances crossing the road away from pedestrian crossing.


Views: 181

Accident on Flockton School Crossing

Sunday 1 August 2021

A local resident posted on our facebook group:

"Just wondering if anyone else was aware of the accident on the zebra crossing near the school around 1.30 this afternoon. A car stopped to let a pedestrian across and another car ran into the back of it shunting it down the road. Fortunately the pedestrian had not put a foot on the crossing or he would have been wiped out. Apparently the policeman couldn’t believe we had a 20mph limit with no traffic calming measures."

Views: 157


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