Traffic lights demolished – 31 Oct 2021

At some time around 2:00 am on Sunday 31 October 2021, a car managed to demolish Flockton's traffic calming traffic lights before coming to rest on its roof and the driver scarpering!

Several residents reported and discussed the accident on local social media groups and expressed their anger and concern that yet another major accident had occurred, though fortunately without fatalities.


car on roof -

car on rook -

Furthermore, some residents ran a few checks:

Tax and MOT status -


Views: 143

More Disruption on Barnsley Road – Cable Repairs

John Taylor (via Flockton fb Community) "I have been notified this morning about some emergency roadworks on Barnsley Rd which will no doubt cause some disruption."

Please be advised emergency cable repair works have commenced on Barnsley Road, Flockton, Wakefield near to its junction with Park Side.

The emergency works commenced on 6 October 2021. The traffic management for the works is 2-way temporary traffic signals which are to be manually operated between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00.

Northern Powergrid have advised they anticipate the works to be completed on 12 October 2021.

See other local road information which may affect you, here.


Views: 110


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