Request to Flockton Villagers

The road through Flockton village is not fit for purpose and is no longer safe.

The 20 mph limit is having a reverse effect on public safety, as drivers are tailgating, abusing drivers respecting the 20 mph, and even overtaking dangerously in narrow and congested areas with restricted visibility for hazards.

Car and van parking on the road is also causing problems, due to the removal of the lay-by that was situated by the new club car park.

We are asking the council to revisit the village to see the current problems. The Police originally stated they would patrol the village to prosecute the speeders and the illegal HGV's, but so far they have only attended once since the changes came into force in April.

The Bypass Group (of about a dozen core people) only have the villagers' safety in our minds, but we cannot do everything alone.

Please help us by writing to the council with your own concerns. This will add further weight to our requests for some positive changes.

View and/or download (and share) our letter to residents, here.

Please keep checking and sharing this website, and the facebook social media groups for the Flockton Bypass and Flockton Community, to keep up-to-date with all of the local information about Flockton in general, and any future actions we have planned for our village safety and bypass campaign, in particular. We also have other social media links here.

Joe Walker
Principal Engineer
Highway Safety
Kirklees Council
01484 221000


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