Another Shunt at School Crossing

Tuesday 18 July 2023 – 08:50

Another accident at the school zebra crossing this morning, reported on our facebook page. A car coming from Grange Moor end stopped to let kids cross (8:50am) and the car behind didn’t stop (well it did when it hit the car in front). Thankfully no one was hurt.

Local resident (CL) commented:

"I was the person waiting with 3 children at the crossing this morning (one in a pushchair) when this accident happened. I am going to post on the Flockton community page later to ask parents to remind their children to not just check that the first car has stopped, but to wait until the whole two lanes of traffic behind have stopped too.
"I see this sort of thing happen on a daily basis taking my children to school and collecting them.
"When I went and gave my details to both drivers, the driver of the first car apologised to the woman who went into the back of him and said ‘I shouldn’t have stopped.’ I was flabbergasted.
"It was 8:45am, outside a primary school, at a zebra crossing with flashing lights with people waiting to cross.
"Drivers must read the road and anticipate these things happening. I have reported to the police (who said they don’t need to do anything/log anything). I also reported to the council."

Editorial comment:
Also, given the recent change in the Highway Code (see below), drivers should now stop if there are people close to a pedestrian crossing, possibly waiting to cross. In the old Highway Code, this wasn't the case and there was actually no obligation to stop… which actually surprised me, as I have always stopped when I have seen pedestrians waiting to cross a zebra crossing.

If the school crossing had traffic lights, it would be patently obvious to drivers on approach that vehicles would be stopping, but in the meantime, why aren't drivers looking ahead and anticipating that someone might stop to let pedestrians cross?

Since 29 January 2022 the Highway Code (Rule H2) states that "…when it comes to pedestrians on a zebra and parallel crossing, drivers, motorcyclists, and cyclists, must give way to pedestrians waiting to cross."

And Rule 195: Zebra and parallel crossings.

As you approach a zebra crossing:

    • look out for pedestrians waiting to cross and be ready to slow down or stop to let them cross
    • you should give way to pedestrians waiting to cross
    • you MUST give way when a pedestrian has moved onto a crossing
    • allow more time for stopping on wet or icy roads
    • do not wave, flash your lights or use your horn to invite pedestrians across; this could be dangerous if another vehicle is approaching
    • be patient, do not sound your horn or rev your engine as this can be intimidating
    • be aware of pedestrians approaching from the side of the crossing.

See more on this on the previous posting.

If they can get lights for Bradford, how about Kirklees providing some in Flockton


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