Bypass Campaign Contacting Coach Companies

Kathryn Middleton, resident and campaigner for a Flockton Bypass, is continuing to contact companies who flout the vehicle access rules from the Grange Moor end of the village. The latest TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) in the form of the weight restriction sign for HGVs, is now enforcible by Police and only specific HGVs, such as emergency vehicles, service buses, and local farm vehicles, are permitted to enter the village from that direction.

Name: Mrs kathryn middleton

Sent: 15 April 2019 17:16
To: Info National Holidays


Please could you tell your drivers to follow the diversion signs instead of travelling illegally through Flockton village on the A637 from Grange Moor roundabout. A new Transport Regulation Order from Kirklees Council has stopped all coaches over 7.5T from 12/4/19. The road is too narrow and is a serious accident waiting to happen. Thank you.

Subject: National Holidays
Date: 2019-04-15 18:42
From: National Customer Services <>

Good evening Mrs Middleton,

Thank you for your email in regards to our coach fleet.

I have confidentially passed your comments onto the Operational Manager to address with all drivers.

In closing, please be assured of my best intentions.

Kind Regards,

Hazel Hall
Customer Services Supervisor
National Holidays
Tel: 01246 223939

Views: 191


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