Old newspaper article from 1990, provided by David R
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Flockton Bypass
The next follow-up meeting, about concerns raised by local people to Flockton, is on Thursday 21st March from 7pm at St James's Church.
"I do hope you will be able to attend and would be grateful if you could help me share this with your friends and neighbours." – Cllr. John Taylor
This meeting will be looking at the issues which were raised previously, and starting to progress a number of these.
Previous meeting information and meeting notes here. (Abridged to bypass and roads items)
Full meeting notes here (including some non-bypass items)
Views: 57
The Poynton Relief Road, which runs from Woodford in Stockport to Adlington near Macclesfield, will cut out the need for traffic travelling between east Cheshire and south Manchester to pass through the centre of Poynton which residents say has been blighted by bottlenecks for years.
The 3.5km (2.2 miles) long road – named Roy Chadwick Way after the legendary aircraft designer – has a dedicated three-meter-wide walking and cycling path.
"Ours would cost a fraction of this, possibly 1/4 now after recent material costs rises! Never say never." – Dave Rawling
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After experiencing Flockton's traffic situation, Huddersfield resident, Furstch Laghst, felt inspired to put his feelings into song:
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At some time around 2:00 am on Sunday 31 October 2021, a car managed to demolish Flockton's traffic calming traffic lights before coming to rest on its roof and the driver scarpering!
Several residents reported and discussed the accident on local social media groups and expressed their anger and concern that yet another major accident had occurred, though fortunately without fatalities.
Furthermore, some residents ran a few checks:
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John Taylor (via Flockton fb Community) "I have been notified this morning about some emergency roadworks on Barnsley Rd which will no doubt cause some disruption."
Please be advised emergency cable repair works have commenced on Barnsley Road, Flockton, Wakefield near to its junction with Park Side.
The emergency works commenced on 6 October 2021. The traffic management for the works is 2-way temporary traffic signals which are to be manually operated between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00.
Northern Powergrid have advised they anticipate the works to be completed on 12 October 2021.
See other local road information which may affect you, here.
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Sunday 1 August 2021
A local resident posted on our facebook group:
"Just wondering if anyone else was aware of the accident on the zebra crossing near the school around 1.30 this afternoon. A car stopped to let a pedestrian across and another car ran into the back of it shunting it down the road. Fortunately the pedestrian had not put a foot on the crossing or he would have been wiped out. Apparently the policeman couldn’t believe we had a 20mph limit with no traffic calming measures."
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In addition to Flockton's immediate road issues, we also keep an eye on surrounding road developments which could affect traffic flow through and around the village. You can read about these other local road issues here.
Survey and presentation here
(We need as many as possible completing this)
In recent comments on social media platforms, Cllr. Martyn Bolt, posted the following on 5 June 2021:
Strangely Kirklees staff seem oblivious to this when talking about the next plans for the cooper bridge relief scheme, and no consideration of traffic impact on the B6118 has been done."
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Reported in The Yorkshire Post, under the heading: Coroner asks for change to 'four deaths before action' rule to make improvements to road where young mother Danielle Broadhead, 33, was killed
Highways chiefs in Kirklees have been urged to abandon restrictive rules that determine when safety measures can be introduced on danger roads.
(Please note the photo isn't showing the accident bend)
In a reply to Flockton Bypass campaigner, David Rawling, Councillor Martyn Bolt said:
"Kirklees see it differently I was told "I have now spoken with XXXXXXXX and can confirm that on this occasion the Coroner has asked the Council, as the Highway Authority, to consider action specific to the related accident and its location. I have been informed that the report makes no reference to current Council practices / policies with regards to our approach to highways safety. With this in mind each location will continue to be considered based on a number of factors, which will include history of accidents before deciding what works, if any, need to be undertaken to allow us the best use of finite budgets and resources. ""
You can see links to all articles on this subject in our 'accidents' section, here.
Views: 60