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class="archive category category-roadworks category-55 wp-embed-responsive sfsi_actvite_theme_default hfeed has-header-image has-sidebar page-one-column title-tagline-hidden colors-light">

A Footway Improvement Scheme

A message from Cllr. Richard Smith (29 April 2021)

Upgrade work is about to commence to the footpath on [A637] Barnsley Road. Further details below regarding the areas affected and timescales. Whilst this will involve some temporary inconvenience, once completed this will be a massive improvement. Businesses and residents will receive letters shortly from Kirklees. Sharing this information as early warning, which I hope is useful.

The area of work is from the entrance to Grange Moor Coachworks to just beyond the junction of Haigh Lane.

The work is due to start on Monday 17th May 2021 and will last for approximately 7 weeks, weather conditions permitting. Kirklees will be removing vegetation and resurfacing the footways, replacing some of the kerbs and undertaking some localised drainage improvements.

The main disruption to residents and other road users will be in the form of 2-way temporary traffic signals required to control traffic safely past the work areas. The signals will be operating on restricted hours between 09:30 and 15:00 Monday to Friday in order to minimise disruption as much as possible. A temporary traffic regulation order (TTRO) will also be in place to reduce the speed limit down from 50mph to 30mph. Scheme information boards will also be placed at the extents of the site, informing other road users about the works.


Views: 88

Roadworks 4 May to 25 June 2021

Road Closures. Notification of TTRO Our Ref: TTRO 12838
Date: 24th March 2021
Location: Road closure: Speed reduction from 50mph to 30mph: Liley lane and Barnsley road, Grange Moor and Barnsley road Flockton.

Extent: From the junction of Haigh Lane to the junction of Briestfield Road – from Briestfield Road to Palace Wood Farm.

Ward: Kirkburton Ward. This document is to notify yourselves of a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order that is to be raised for the above location.

a) A copy plan indicating the extent of the restriction.
b) Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
c) Vehicular traffic will have access to the points of the restriction.
d) The Diversionary route will be: N/A this is a speed reduction only.
e) The order will be effected on 4th May 2021 until 25th June 2021
f) Temporary traffic regulation order for KMC for a 50mph to 30mph speed reduction for safety reasons.

If you would like any further information, please send your queries to:


Views: 132


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