Cllr Peter McBride to Visit Flockton

Cllr Peter McBrideThe Bypass Steering Group has arranged a visit to the village by Labour Councillor, and Cabinet member for Economy on Kirklees Council, Peter McBride, on Friday 14 September 2018 at 9:15 am, so he can witness traffic and road safety issues, on Barnsley Road, first hand. It had been hoped that the visit could have taken place at a busier School time, but we are nevertheless grateful that Cllr McBride is coming.

Residents and parents of school children are invited to stay around for the visit, if able to do so, and if anyone wishes to take a short video clip of traffic during their walk to school, there may be an opportunity to share this, particularly in the event that traffic may be a bit calmer by the time of the visit.

Please show your support and have your say.

Views: 374


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