ExaminerLive reports on Bypass Council Debate

Council Debate (Wednesday 18 September 2019)

Huddersfield ExaminarLive reports:

Frustration is growing over Kirklees Council's seeming unwillingness to act on pursuing a bypass for traffic-clogged Flockton village.

Now campaigners have called for a senior figure to step aside and allow someone with "energy" to negotiate the millions of pounds of funding needed for a relief road.

The comment was directed at Clr Peter McBride, deputy leader of the council, who some believe "lacks the will" to tackle the issue.

Politicians have been urged to "work as one" to find a solution.

For the second time this summer campaigners have appealed to the council to solve the Flockton issue, which can be traced back 80 years, and which locals claim is getting worse.

They say Flockton, on the outskirts of Huddersfield, has not benefited from a recently introduced 20mph speed limit and continues to be a cut through for motorists and HGVs.

And with only two visits by the police in six months they say Flockton has been left "out on a limb".

In a hard-hitting deputation delivered to councillors in Huddersfield Town Hall on behalf of Flockton Bypass Group, Dave Rawling said the lack of a bypass for Flockton had been "a problem for far too long".

And focusing on Labour veteran Clr McBride, who has previously said a bypass is a non-starter, Mr Rawling said the A637 Barnsley Road that snakes through the village was "certainly not fit to act as a major A road".

Read a copy of the article here.

Read the full online article here. (25p)

Link to archive recording of the Council session of Wednesday 18 September 2019. (Bypass was item 8 on the agenda and begins at time 01:02).

Listen to audio only (Bypass debate only)

Views: 320


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