ExaminerLive Reports on Zebra Crossing Event

As so often happens with news reporting, it's the negative aspects that grab the headlines. In an age of tittle-tattle and drama, where people like nothing more than a moan about everything, before they look at the bigger picture, it's unfortunate that the bit of abuse from a few 'held-up' motorists towards the end of the villager's protest, comes across as something that happened constantly throughout the event. The Examiner starts off as follows:

"Villagers taking direct action to campaign for a bypass for Flockton were sworn and shouted at by motorists held up in the jams.

"A determined group of residents took to the streets on Monday afternoon to try and increase the profile of their cause.

"Some walked up and down between the two pedestrian crossings but others, including Clr John Taylor, deliberately held up motorists by repeatedly walking across one of the zebra crossings as slowly as possible.

"Their actions during the evening commute left some drivers fuming, with tempers boiling over and one motorist making a rude gesture from his car.

"Several irate motorists wound down their windows to have a go at the protesters while one allegedly mounted the pavement in his vehicle to try and get out of the queue and then became involved in an altercation with one of those taking part." (Read the full article here) Gallery photos here.

Campaigners 'floored' to hear there's no cash for Flockton bypass

Clr John Taylor (Con, Kirkburton), who joined in the direct action earlier in July, said: "It was news to everybody that the council had made an attempt to do anything with TfN about Flockton.

"We're asking for that information to be made available to campaigners.

"Where is the report that they wrote and why were myself and other ward councillors not consulted or at the least informed?

Follow-up article from 21 July 2019


Views: 86


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