Flockton Bypass Group members to attend Kirklees Council meeting 10 October 2018

Members of the Flockton Bypass group will be among a limited number of the public, attending this meeting.

Flockton Bypass Deputation to Kirklees Council - flocktonbypass.co.uk
(From left to right: Elena D, Charlotte D, Ella B, Charlotte M)

Wednesday 10th October 2018 5:30 pm, Council
Venue: Council Chamber – Town Hall, Huddersfield

Commences 5:30 pm. Live on webcast if not attending.

The motion:
14: Motion submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14 as to Flockton Traffic Issues.

To consider the following Motion in the names of Councillors Smith, J Taylor and D Hall.

“This Council notes that work is now underway to produce an Option Assessment Report in relation to the North Kirklees Orbital Route which will help to determine if this is a viable scheme to develop.

Additionally the £77 million Cooper Bridge by pass, linking the A644 near junction 25 M62 and the A62 near Bradley Bar is currently in the Design phase.

The Council recognises that both these schemes have the potential to significantly affect the volume and flow of traffic in and around the village of Flockton and on the B6118.

Given the existing severe traffic problems affecting the village of Flockton and the undoubted increase in the future with developments already in construction and the potential from the Local Plan , the Council recognises that even if it were to overlook the 2 major road schemes already mentioned, without intervention, this situation will only continue to deteriorate.

Therefore the council calls on the Cabinet to undertake an assessment of any impact upon the village of Flockton & B6118 from the NKOR and A62 scheme and to ensure that due consideration is given to the issues in Flockton prior to any work starting on either of these road schemes.”

Council Agenda information and documents.


Views: 125


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