Flockton Pavement Parking

Some comments from our facebook group (3 December 2018, onwards)

Parking issues have been discussed on the Flockton Community facebook group, over the past few days, following a police presence. David Rawling explains:

"As stated on there, this matter has now been brought to the attention of this group, with some background information, mainly for non-residents unaware of the “history”.

"Firstly though, road users need to be aware that several cars may now have had to resort to parking in the road itself, having no alternative parking spaces. The numbers having to do this will probably increase as the village continues to grow. Some subsequent very slight delays may occur at peak times, whilst traffic negotiates any vehicles parked in these places. Owners obviously would prefer to not have to do this, but feel there is no other option now. Apologies to anyone affected by this.

"Why has this been necessary then? The new central development firstly resulted in the original club car park going (used by several residents I believe), followed by the removal of the “lay-by”, originally intended for customers of the old post office by day, and residents in the evening, generally.  Subsequently, several vehicles parked on the widened pavement, some unfortunately not leaving, or not being able to leave, due to ongoing building work, the regulation space of 1.2 metres for pedestrians to get through, especially those with children and pushchairs. This actually caused a little friction previously within the groups, not to be repeated hopefully, as we all have one common aim.

"Both Kirklees Highways and the police have been aware of this particular problem for some time now. Some started parking on the new development but were requested to move their vehicles by the building company, due to ongoing work, and also with people moving into their new properties. Those who had continued to park on the pavement, close to the access road, obstructed the view of anyone pulling out from there. As had been discussed with the authorities and mentioned [on the facebook group] recently, the police duly appeared as noted above.

"Similar problems exist at other points within the village too. Section 106 monies could, and should, have been used to resolve these foreseeable problems. Another matter though for now.

"We all know the easiest solution to this problem. Some short term pain could potentially result in a long term gain. "

Some extracts from the replies to the above posting (names removed for privacy)

"They [builders and Kirklees] cannot expect to remove the parking availability and Not have people having to find alternatives. The trends are towards multi car households so the problem will only increase. The builders should have been required to provide a replacement for the lay-by parking at the very least."

"I don't think Kirklees will give a hoot about the roadside parking as it's not affecting them at all. Knowing them, they will double yellow both sides of the road as that's a cheaper option and again penalise the residents of Flockton, rather than deal with the actual issues that you originally started the campaign for."

Reply from David Rawling:
"That wouldn’t surprise me either. But how would people be able to even drop off or have deliveries made etc? Their representative basically said they’d rather have the “illegal”pavement parking than the legal roadside parking!
The plain truth is they don’t know what to do with the “problem that is Flockton”. Their own words."

"There’s a lot of mixed reactions to parking outside houses on Barnsley road, unfortunately a lot of complaints where made about pavement parking, after the lay-by was removed by the building firm. I have seen a lot of photos on these Flockton pages complaining about pavement parking; now everyone is parking legally it’s still an issue! The police officer, who came out the other day, informed one of the neighbours there was no law against parking outside our houses… regardless of “designated parking spaces” beside, behind or anywhere to our properties."



Views: 125


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