HGV Diversion Route – Flockton 30 July 2018

As reported previously, the road through Flockton will be closed from 30 July 2018 for up to 4 weeks, for drainage repairs and improvements. Mike Wood has provided some details of the proposed route, from Kirklees Council.

Flockton HGV Diversion Map - flocktonbypass.co.uk(Click on image to enlarge)

David Rawling commented on social media, that…

"From the Grange Moor End they [HGVs] should follow their regular diversion. As agreed with Wakefield MDC many years ago, when the one-way system was set up, i.e. Kirklees/Flockton has them going westwards, Horbury/Netherton going eastwards. Ideally, they head towards Wakefield and back out, avoiding Netherton Lane. (But we know which is the shorter).

"Any who usually head for Grange Moor and vicinity, will probably come via Horbury Bridge and to the north of the A637. Those heading towards Huddersfield will, in the main I guess, use this route. Adding about 6 miles and maybe 15 minutes on to their journeys.

"It shows the importance of the A637, lending more weight to the need for a small relief road/bypass avoiding Flockton village. Anyone in the URTU? Or know hauliers? Time for their involvement. It won’t be the last time there will be problems here."

Views: 982


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