Kirklees Chief Executive and Examiner Put Flockton in the Spotlight

In it's latest report on Flockton's bypass bid, The Huddersfield Daily Examiner brings together the latest developments around Flockton's request for help in improving traffic reduction and road safety in the village.

"Almost everyone knows someone who's been hit by a wing mirror of a passing vehicle", headlines the  article by Nick Lavigueur, 29 March 2018.

Flockton Traffic -

Kirklees Council chief executive, Jacqui Gedman, visited Flockton on 21 March to experience road safety issues for herself and has now given renewed hope that something will be done to make Flockton safer. Councillor John Taylor, who has also taken an active role in supporting Flockton's plight, has continued to put pressure on the local authority to respond to the needs of villagers, including arranging for better cleaning of both road and pavements, as a result of work on a new and large housing development in the heart of the village.

In addition to the article, The Huddersfield Daily Examiner is running its own poll, where you can vote yes or no to the question, Should Flockton get a bypass? (The poll is at the bottom of their article page).

Read the full article here.

Read more articles about Flockton, here.

Views: 111


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