Law Breakers

No access - over 7.5T are banned from travelling through Flockton Village from the Grange Moor roundabout. As this has rarely been monitored by Kirklees Council, or enforced by Police, drivers of larger vehicles simply ignore the signs – matrix signs at the roundabout suggest alternative routes. Even if a driver says that he/she is not going to the M1, the prohibition of no lorries over 7.5T is still a legally enforceable restriction.

Monday 8 July 2024 – "This Monday I drove from Wakefield to Huddersfield by Flockton village and I spotted an oncoming massive yellow crane from Grange Moore where there is a 7.5T restriction. I stopped and tried to give him enough space, but this was so dangerous for other drivers." – Krzysztof K

Wednesday 22 May 2019 – Following some previous correspondence with Megabus travelling through Flockton from the Grange Moor end of the village, Cllr. Kath Middleton received this email response from the company:

Dear Cllr Middleton,

Thank you for your recent contact in regards to our vehicles passing
through the village of Flockton.

It is very concerning to learn of this incident.

I can confirm that I have identified the specific vehicle in question
and have sent a report to the depot manager responsible in order to
allow them to remind their drivers of the Traffic Regulation Order you
had mentioned in your Facebook messages – I have also sent them a copy
of the TRO that I have found here [1]. If you have been speaking to us
in relation to another TRO, please inform us of this and I shall pass a
copy of that to the depot manager as well.

Feedback in relation to all the services we offer is essential as this
allows us to identify areas of improvement that will enhance the
customer experience. I would like to thank you for bringing these
matters to our attention and please rest assured that these will be
dealt with promptly.

Kind Regards,


David Pitcairn | Customer Relations Team
Scottish Citylink Coaches Ltd /
Buchanan Bus Station, Killermont St, G2 3NW

Link referred to:  (It is the correct TRO)


Wednesday 5 September 2018 – A lorry entering the village from the Grange Moor end, breaking the weight limit and therefore, the law.

Lorry -  Lorry -

HGVs meet -

Flockton resident, Brian, says of this situation, shown above:

"HGV's regularly ignore the East Bound weight limit, this east bound truck and trailer mounted the footway so that a west bound could pass, damage is done regularly to the footways and walls at this and other points simply because the carriageway isn't wide enough for two HGV's to pass. Accidents also happen at the chicane because east bound drivers ignore the 'Give Way' to oncoming traffic."

One of these lorries is certainly travelling in the wrong direction through Flockton, and when vehicles of these sizes try to pass each other, there's not a lot of room. Add to this, bin collection day – where are pedestrians supposed to go?

Lorries meet in Flockton - Lorries meet in Flockton -

11 am on Friday 6 April, entering from the Grange Moor side of the village. An email was sent to the company and their Fleet & Facilities Manager was quick to apologise:Lorry in Flockton -

"Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We certainly do not condone any form of traffic violations by our drivers, and take pride in presenting a professional appearance at all times and especially when our vehicles are on the public roads.

"Once this driver has returned to base we will be interviewing him in line with our company discipline procedures.

Please accept our apologies for this incident. There will be no repeat of this by our company."

One of a number of HGVs still entering Flockton from the Grange Moor end of the village. This photo taken at 3:55 pm on 3 April 2018:

Lorry -

HGV from Grange Moor end -

After contacting Spar about this transgression (1 March 2018), we received a positive reply from Spar’s Transport Supervisor:

“Thank you for bringing the matter to my attention. The driver in question has since been interviewed about the incident and although he claims the snow was problematic that day it is not an acceptable reason for taking this route. As such, action will be taken against the driver in line with company policy. We understand that these restrictions are in place for everyone’s safety and do not condone our drivers ignoring this for their convenience.”

Another company was contacted (on 20 March 2018) about one of its vehicles. Again, a positive reply, from its Operations Manager:

"Really sorry to hear this. Custom haulage have been making regular deliveries into huddersfield, and this is the first time I've had a complaint. Unfortunately, yesterday we had to use an agency driver to do this delivery as the regular driver was ill, so I will pass this email onto the agency that supplied the driver to us. In the meantime, can you pass on my apologies, to all involved, on behalf of myself and Custom Haulage."

Weight Restriction Order Enforcement Policy – as viewed by Essex County Council – so why not here in Kirklees?

In 2015, The Yorkshire Post ran the following article: Councils want powers to fine drivers who ignore weight limits. LORRY DRIVERS who cause damage and gridlock by ignoring weight restriction signs should face fines from local authorities, according to the Local Government Association.

Views: 1972
