Local Councils Give Mixed Messages For Bypass

The latest news in the Wakefield Express (22 October 2019)

'We just want to be safe': Residents calling for bypass get mixed signals over plans

Flockton Bypass Campaigners- flocktonbypass.co.uk

"… on the same day Wakefield Council poured cold water on the idea, the local authority in Kirklees said they were committed to "pursuing" cash from the government for it."

"We cannot support this. It wouldn't be fair to Kirklees, it wouldn't be fair to West Bretton and it wouldn't be fair to the long-term aspirations of the Wakefield district." – Cllr. Morley, Wakefield

But then, Kirklees Council stated…

"We are looking to carry out a study into the benefits of upgrading the A637 which may also include a bypass for Flockton and other improvements in the area.

"However, this study would come at a significant financial cost. We have been unsuccessful in putting the scheme forward for inclusion in bids for funding up to now but we will continue to pursue this."

Read the Wakefield Express full article here.


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