More Money Kirklees Council Probably Won't Apply For!

Having previously decided that government money wasn't worth applying for, when it came to reconsidering a bypass for Flockton, it seems unlikely that Kirklees Council will apply for "free money" for potholes. With their heads elsewhere, it's more likely we will hear in the months to come that they don't have money for restoring damaged roads!

So in case our council missed the information, here it is:

What's the worst road in Huddersfield? £350m repair pot up for grabs

The article on ExaminerLive (dated 20 July 2019) begins…

Councils will be able to bid for government cash to repair their worst roads.

Nearly £350m will be available to improve Britain's worst roads under a scheme launched today (July 20) by the Department for Transport.

The scheme is split between two funds: the Challenge Fund which offers £198m for councils to repair their worst roads; and the Pinch Point Fund which has £150m set aside to help local authorities ease congestion on their busiest roads.

The cash from the Challenge Fund can be used to improve the infrastructure of local highways, including bridges and viaducts. The money could also be used for repairing potholes. (Read full article here)

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