Petitions Really Can Help

Read an article posted in the Huddersfield Examiner:

Vital link roads in Colne Valley set to be resurfaced.

A couple of the paragraphs from the article:

"In 2016 a petition set up by residents attracted more than 1,200 signatures calling for Kirklees Council to resurface Linfit Lane…

"A cross-party group was set up to tackle the issue following meetings between residents and local councillors…"

And also, the support available from local Counsillors:

"Welcoming the announcement that work was set to start, Clr Turner said: “I’ve been contacted by a number of residents about the state of the roads and the need for urgent action. The issue has been ongoing for a long time so I’m delighted that the works have been confirmed and will go ahead soon."

Views: 119


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