Positive meeting with Secretary of State for Transport

On Friday 2 February 2018, a few of the Flockton Bypass Steering Group met with Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport.

Flockton Bypass with Chris Grayling
Left to right: Back: Councillors: Bill Armer, Richard Smith, John Taylor
Front: Elena Delaney, Kath Middleton, Chris Grayling, Jimmy Paxton

"A really positive meeting, thank you to the three councillors who put our case forward in such an eloquent and informed manner. I know everything takes time but I felt like Chris Grayling really listened to our plight." – Elena Delaney (Flockton Resident)

Kirkburton Conservative Clr Richard Smith said:

It wasn't a meeting where he could promise us anything, but it was an opportunity to discuss what’s important to the residents in Flockton.

We showed him maps and talked about the need and he emphasised how much Kirklees and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (which runs a £1bn-plus transport programme) can do.

For us this isn’t a political issue, it’s a safety issue for our residents and it’s an issue Kirklees should deal with.

We want a debate in Kirklees and then we want to get the Combined Authority to consider it.

You can read more about this in the The Huddersfield Daily Examiner here

The visit also sparked a bit of controversy in the House of Commons

Views: 160


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