Spelling It Out To Rat Run Coaches

4 June 2019

For some time now, a number of coaches have been passing through Flockton, from the Grange Moor end of the village, towards the M1. Cllr Kathryn Middleton has been trying to get this situation changed for some time and now it looks as if more will finally be done.

No buses over 8 seats

"National Holidays have been illegally travelling through Flockton daily. I have been unable to get them to stop, but Joe today has spoken to them and is arranging to put the 'No buses over 8 seats' signs in place." – Cllr Kathryn Middleton

Joe Walker (Principal Engineer, Highway Safety, Kirklees Council) says:

"I've rung National Express and whilst the chap I spoke to was in agreement that the current signs should be sufficient, we agreed that  some drivers may interpret them differently. The TRO covers coaches, so  we are able to add 'no coaches' signs without needing another Order.  This is annoying as it’s a technicality, but these things are sent to  try us.

"I'll visit site this week to assess what can be done, and get the extra  signs up asap." – Joe Walker


Views: 210


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