Time for an update may be, Yorkshire Life?

A 2013 article by Yorkshire Life, provided a summary of life in Flockton. However, as mentioned by resident and campaigner for a Bypass, David Rawling, perhaps it's time for an update.

"One to consider. The “Link” was sunk, quite rightly, in the early 90s, as the planned road would have affected many more than a much smaller relief road that would do a similar job. i.e. take most of the traffic out of Flockton.

"Since then, Grange Moor Industrial Estate has appeared on the scene. 50 companies currently listed there. 3 separate (smallish admittedly) housing developments in Flockton and Grange Moor. The 2 ongoing developments and another planned in the village, along with a few others dotted about, will see approximately 225 new houses within our village having been built since the Link was proposed (and in fact, passed for construction at one point by Kirklees).

"Time that this was recognised. If these developments had all come at once, now, it’s almost certain the infrastructure would have been taken into account as Kirklees would be more than happy with their extra annual income from the rates (£350k pa, may be from houses alone) and wouldn't be worried about traffic being “encouraged” or “”moved quicker” into Waterloo, Dalton, Kirkheaton, etc., as they say they are now. Relieve Flockton with a relief road!"



Views: 64


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