Traffic Counts

Many of you will have seen the traffic counting lines across the road, throughout the length of the village. Unusually, we have 7 sets of these detectors, (sometimes known as "golden rivers") when most roads being monitored usually get only a couple.

These appeared recently, following contact being made with our Highways Department about the traffic levels, ever increasing numbers and size of HGV’s, speed, and general safety concerns, we all have – the reasons we are conducting this campaign in fact.

We have been informed that the data will be collected over a 7 day period, either being done currently (it was reported that one strip had come loose so that time period/day will be taken into account if being used), or after the school half-term holidays.

This data, once collected and summarised, will be shared with us by Kirklees Highways. Leeds City Council are in charge of these counts, by the way. Also, no registration numbers are recorded.


Views: 120


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